9 Results for: (Concept:02743391-a)
47439 Was there a human agency in the matter ?
47922 And always , apart from the hound , there was the fact of the human agency in London , the man in the cab , and the letter which warned Sir Henry against the moor .
48779 If he were acting through a human agent we could get some evidence , but if we were to drag this great dog to the light of day it would not help in putting a rope round the neck of its master . '
61362 Based on the very painful experience of the Minamata_Disease over forty some years , it can be said that the level of technology developed by Japan for analyzing the effects of organic mercury on the natural environment and the human body is the highest in the world .
61372 The immediate task is to accurately obtain the amount of the total mercury and methyl mercury in water , soil , fish and human hair , blood and urine using the analytical method developed by the National_Institute_for_Minamata_Disease .
61633 It is as if to say , " Money comes before human life . "
103424 Explore the human condition in the works of one of Singapore 's finest contemporary artists , Jimmy_Ong , known for his large scale figurative charcoal works on paper .
103425 Specially created for the Singapore_Tyler_Print_Institute , this exhibition will feature complex themes of ancestry , sexuality and identity , visualised through unconventional and provocative compositions of human forms rendered in bold , calligraphic lines .
104087 Choirs of cherubic children can also be seen and heard angelically carolling , human statues roam around freely and interacting with the crowds and stilt-walkers skip about , always game for a picture or two .

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