10 Results for: (Concept:02740745-v)
169 [2710[ 修建 教堂 面临 错误 开发 问题 狡黠 凶险 隐伏

468 一语 软件 源自 解决 开发者 切身之痛 推而广之 因为 很多 面临 相同 困扰

645 开源 文化 正在 面临 考验 如果 网景 失败 开源 文化 信誉 扫地 商业 世界 未来 不屑一顾

60010 当前 我们 面临 行政 改革 尤其是 放宽 限制 特殊 法人 改革 以及 地方 分权 艰巨 任务

For the time being , there are important issues regarding administrative reform , especially on deregulation , review of government-affiliated corporations , and the decentralization of authority . (eng)

60012 面临 国内外 紧急 重大 问题 时期 允许 政治 出现 空白

No political vacuum can be permitted when we have urgent and significant problems both in and out of Japan . (eng)

60072 日本 面临 政治 经济 行政 结构 转换 方向

That will be the direction of the structural change of politics , the economy , and administration that Japan is now confronted with . (eng)

60341 很多 怀 香港 回归 不安 英国 殖民地 解放 出来 自豪感 心情 同时 面临 现实 选择 我们 这些 自己 力量 闯天下 有所 不同 所以 最近 香港 移民 打破 中国籍 移民 传统 模式

" There is trepidation about the future due to the reversion of Hong_Kong and pride about being liberated from British colonialism . Caught between these two emotions , many people were forced to make a practical decision . In short , this was different from those people who were searching for a better life on an individual level . The recent immigrants from Hong_Kong are breaking the pattern of traditional Chinese immigration . " (eng)

60432 前途 如此 乐观 拉吉 先生 首先 面临 问题 回归 印裔 居民 国籍 问题

Raji may be fully convinced of this point , but the gravest issue is the nationality of Indian residents after the reversion . (eng)

61265 冷战 结构 崩溃 相互 依存 关系 密切 起来 我们 面临 问题 越来越 需要 超越 国家 框架 全球性 观点

With the fall of the " Cold War structure " and the ever more interdependent relationships among countries , in addressing the various kinds of problems which we face a global vantage point that transcends " national " frameworks is becoming more and more essential . (eng)

61460 可是 虽然 面临 这些 具有 重要 意义 选举 政党 国民 诉说 什么 选择 现在 根本 明确

At this point , however , on the verge of these elections with important implications , it is absolutely unclear what the various parties are going to appeal to the people and press for their selection . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>