10 Results for: (Concept:02734488-v)
10354 A brown chest of drawers stood in one corner , a narrow white- counterpaned bed in another , and a dressing-table on the left-hand side of the window .
10399 He took up a small saucer of milk which stood on the top of it .
11158 They had been drawn in chalk upon the black wooden door of the tool-house , which stands beside the lawn in full view of the front windows .
11243 This message makes it even more essential that we should not lose an hour in letting Hilton Cubitt know how matters stand , for it is a singular and a dangerous web in which our simple Norfolk squire is entangled . "
60313 The characters stand on the very ground .
60808 Of course , first there are the Louis_Vuitton and Citizen_Cups standing in their way ...
61222 Can that not be said to stand on common soil with the rest of the world and to be a means leading to greater vitality in Japan 's economy ?
61227 Does it not mean looking toward new " leading industries " and the energy to again stand " at the top of the hill " ?
61869 There are people devastated by grief over the death of their families , those who are worrying about relatives who are missing , those standing helplessly before their homes in flames ......
61943 Local streets that had escaped the damage have been helplessly congested and the relief supplies are left standing everywhere .

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