10 Results for: (Concept:02717538-a)
60067 加上 地方 分权 引入 选区 比例 代表 并立 新型 选举 制度 政界 势力 版图 可能 发生 变化

By adding the decentralization of authority and a new electoral system , or combination of single-seat constituencies and proportional representation , the political map may change dramatically . (eng)

61132 所谓 选举 制度 认为 出来 政治 体系 至高无上 英明 举措

The system called " election " is considered by far the best and wisest system among the political systems conceived by humankind . (eng)

61153 显然 如果 议员 国民 代理人 误解 对待 选举 制度 的话 不但 消除 金权 选举 利益 导向型 政治 而且 更加 蔓延 开来

If we engage ourselves in this electoral system with the existing misconception that Diet members are the people 's " agents , " it is patently clear that bankrolled elections and politics of influence peddling will spread further , instead of being eliminated . (eng)

61159 现在 立即 解除 采用 上门 访问 方式 选举 运动 禁令 根本 可能

It would simply be impossible to lift the ban on election campaigns by door-to-door canvassing right this minute . (eng)

61427 据传 国营 电视台 反对 多数 国民 选举 产生 政府 正常 不得不 无视 民主 社会 媒体 权力 关系 讲理 发言

It has been reported that he said , " It is an aberration for the government-run television stations to oppose the government chosen by the majority of the citizens , " and we must say that such a statement is an extremely unreasonable , disregarding the relationship between media and authority in a democratic society . (eng)

61454 众议院 选区 划分法 已经 成立 根据 选区 比例 代表 并立 选举 制度 施行 从而 进入 新年 以后 何时 解散 进行 大选 可以 状态

A law was passed to draw the boundaries the single-seal Lower_House districts ; the new electoral system based on the combination of single-seat constituencies and proportional representation has been enforced and we can expect the dissolution of the Diet and a general election any day . (eng)

61455 政权 意识 选举 有效率 政府 空喊 相反 编成 哗众取宠 到处 花钱 1995 年度 预算 搁置 粉身碎骨 政策

Aware of the election , the Murayama administration prepared the lavish popularity-seeking 1995 budget , contrary to its call for an efficient " small government , " and postponed the policy to work its fingers to the bones for the citizens . (eng)

61457 今年 春季 举行 统一 地方 选举 夏季 举行 参院 选举

There will be nationwide local elections in the spring and the Upper_House election in the summer of this year . (eng)

61457 今年 春季 举行 统一 地方 选举 夏季 举行 参院 选举

There will be nationwide local elections in the spring and the Upper_House election in the summer of this year . (eng)

61458 加之 虽然 时间 确定 可能 选举 制度 举行 大选 政治 形势

Additionally , while the timing is unknown , the current political state seems to point to the direction where there is a strong possibility that the first general election based on the new electoral system will be held . (eng)

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