2 Results for: (Concept:02709367-n)
110007 If you looked up the little island of Tana Masa on the map you would find it just on the Equator , not far south of Sumatra ; but if you were on the deck of the Kandong Bandoeng and asked its captain , J. van Toch , what he thought of this Tana Masa where you ’ve just dropped anchor he would first curse for a short while and then he would tell you that it ’s the dirtiest hole all the Sunda Islands , even more loathsome than Tana Bala and easily as damnable as Pini or Banyak ; that the only apology for a human being that lives there not counting these louse - ridden Bataks , of course is a drunken commercial agent , a cross between a Cuban and a Portuguese , and an even bigger thief , pagan and pig than the whole of Cuba and the whole of the white race put together ; if there ’s anything in this world that ’s damnable then it ’s the damned life on this damned Tana Masa .
110008 And then , you might cautiously ask him why it is that he ’s just dropped his damned anchor as if he wanted to spend three damned days here ; at which he would snort in irritation and grumble something about not being so damned stupid as to sail all the way to Kandon Bandoeng just to get this damned copra or palm oil , and there ’s nothing else here , but I ’ve got my damned orders , and you will please be so kind as to mind your own damned business .

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