5 Results for: (Concept:02709277-v)
100353 Canele 餐厅 周末 营业 凌晨 1 因而 消磨 美好 夜晚 可以 提供 夜店 狂欢 重回 派对 能量 加油站

Open till 1am on weekends , Canele is also the perfect place to end off a good night , or to top up energy levels before ducking back into the clubs for another round of partying . (eng)

101199 遵行 习俗 度过 漫长 穆斯林 造访 父母 亲人 好友 共享 丰盛 午餐 欢庆 活动

After a long day of carrying out customary practices , the Muslims would then pay a visit to their parents , families and friends for a hearty lunch and merrymaking . (eng)

101229 如果 休闲 度过 整天 朋友 聚会 聆听 音乐 绝对 完美 去处

It is the perfect place if you want to spend the entire day relaxing, catching up with friends or simply listening to music. (eng)

101345 附近 武吉士 街区 购物 中心 繁华 武吉士 市场 尽情 购物 观光 度过 繁忙 精彩 我们 建议 前往 The Lounge 小憩 放松 一下

Here 's a recommendation drop by after a day of shopping and cultural sightseeing at the nearby Bugis_Junction mall and bustling Bugis_Market area to refresh and recharge . (eng)

101843 此外 可以 开张 滨海 堤坝 度过 浪漫 夜晚 —— 香槟 观看 远处 焰火 感受 浓烈 节日 氛围

Otherwise , there is always the option of a romantic night out at the newly-opened Marina_Barrage , where you can pop a bottle of champagne and watch the fireworks from a distance , while partaking in the lively and exciting vibe . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>