5 Results for: (Concept:02708020-a)
61524 可是 一下 这些 学校 情况 定为 休息 周六 课程 哪怕 一点 追加 其他 日子 中 小学 4成 左右 高中

However , when looking at the situation at those participating schools , about 40 percent of elementary and junior high schools and 30 percent of senior high schools were making up the hours lost from the Saturday school closures by providing additional instruction , even if only a little , on other weekdays . (eng)

61533 首先 学校 制定 时间表 需要 进一步 精选 学科 上课 内容 以免 定为 休息 周六 课程 追加 其他 日子

For a start , in setting up a timetable , each school needs to select the content of every class even more carefully in order not to make up those hours lost from Saturday school closures by tacking them onto classes on other days . (eng)

61541 灵活 认可 学校 提出 教育 课程 上课 时数

They must be flexible enough to accept the class hours in the curriculum submitted by each school . (eng)

61545 教育 委员会 接受 遵守 这个 标准 教育 课程

The Boards_of_Education do not accept any curriculum that does not observe this rule . (eng)

61546 这样 的话 学校 不得不 机械 削减 学校 活动 课程 强加 其他 日子

Under these circumstances , the schools have no other choice but to automatically cut back school events and make up hours lost from the Saturday school closures by tacking them onto the regular hours of other days . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>