3 Results for: (Concept:02697759-n)
101430 巷子 尽管 藏身 平凡 建筑 供应 正宗 客家 丘园 酒家 汇集 客家 豆腐 新加坡 招牌 宝地

Serving authentic Hakka cuisine , Kew_Garden_Restaurant is the perfect place to sample signature dishes from Singapore such as Hakka_Yong_Tau_Foo . (eng) This hidden gem of a restaurant is tucked away on the second storey of a nondescript building . (eng)

101565 印度 许多 古老 商店 小摊 它们 散布 街头 小巷 带给 风情 游览 体验 —— 算命先生 以及 鹦鹉 等待 有缘 光临 姑娘 茉莉花 编织 一个个 美丽 花环 炒货 小贩 手推车 相互 聊天 报纸 摆满 各式 报纸 美景 连连 何妨 前来

Its charm lies in the fact that many of olden-day trades can still be found by its roadsides , alleys and back lanes . (eng) Fortune-tellers and their parrots , flower vendors selling garlands of jasmine , kachang puteh ( roasted nuts ) sellers on pushcarts and street-side newspaper vendors are just some of the interesting sights to be found . (eng)

101566 笼罩 香料 鲜花 沁入心脾 芳香 实笼 及其 小巷 诸如 甘贝尔 南洛 欣登

Amid the pungent fragrances of spices and blooms is Serangoon_Road and its inner lanes like Campbell_Lane , Dunlop_Street and Hindon_Road . (eng)

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