2 Results for: (Concept:02667275-a)
61037 孙伯福 反对 盲目 开发 保护 自然 文化 同时 另一方面 摸索 自立 道路 做好 心理 身体 准备 开发 浪潮 立于 不败之地

" I 'm against development that does not have a purpose . I 'm searching for a self-sustaining path that also preserves the culture and nature , and I want to foster hearts and minds that can withstand the torrents of development , " says Mr._Sonpop . (eng)

102808 人们 认为 只有 心灵 摆脱 物质 欲望 身体 远离 物质 享乐 时候 信徒 没有 痛楚 情况 完成 神圣 使命

It is believed that only when the mind is free of material wants and the body free from physical pleasures that a devotee can undertake the sacred task without feeling any pain . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>