9 Results for: (Concept:02614387-v)
11074 最后 地主 那里 苟延残喘 着落 王孙 可悲 生活

" Well we have been married now for a year , and very happy we have been . (eng)

11111 可以 理解 刚才 叙述 生活 我们 几乎 任何 年龄 相仿 地位 相同

But I am justified in taking my own line -- and I will . " (eng)

11111 可以 理解 刚才 叙述 生活 我们 几乎 任何 年龄 相仿 地位 相同

But I am justified in taking my own line -- and I will . " (eng)

60449 美国 加拿大 人数 增加 认为 受到 移民 取得 国籍 之后 返回 香港 生活 调头 影响

The increasing numbers of American and Canadian residents is presumed to be partially accounted for by emigrants making a " U-turn " and returning to live in Hong_Kong after obtaining citizenship elsewhere . (eng)

60935 生活 可以 看到 古兰经

The Koran can be seen in the back of the small boat that is home to a family of five . (eng)

61868 20万 避难 生活

Two_hundred_thousand people are being forced to live in evacuation shelters . (eng)

61929 兵库县 19日 夜间 30万 避难 生活 由于 粮食 暖气 缺少 加深 疲劳

As of the evening of the 19th , nearly 300,000 people are continuing to live in evacuation centers in Hyogo_Prefecture , and the depleting supplies of water , food and heaters are compounding their fatigue . (eng)

61929 兵库县 19日 夜间 30万 避难 生活 由于 粮食 暖气 缺少 加深 疲劳

As of the evening of the 19th , nearly 300,000 people are continuing to live in evacuation centers in Hyogo_Prefecture , and the depleting supplies of water , food and heaters are compounding their fatigue . (eng)

62047 虽然 目前 30万多 被迫 避难 场所 方便 生活 但是 随着 时间 流逝 金钱 问题 必然 成为 问题

At present , more than 300,000 evacuees are still forced to live in the shelters with great inconvenience , and it is obvious that the financial problem will grow as time goes by . (eng)



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