4 Results for: (Concept:02589576-v)
47446 He fights for the mere pleasure of fighting , and is equally ready to take up either side of a question , so that it is no wonder that he has found it a costly amusement .
60177 The Republican_Party has also recently started to push harder line policies , insisting , " It is unacceptable that Russia has a veto over the future of NATO or the U.S. role in Europe , " and , " The United_States shall act as the winner of the Cold_War . "
60390 This is according to Remi_Borongan , chairperson of the Asian_Domestic_Workers_Union , which is fighting for improvements in the employment conditions of maids .
61819 The Republican_Party is also pressing for implementation of the national changeover measures including the constitutional amendment to balance the budget , welfare reform , a one-trillion-dollar cut in expenditures over the next seven years and administrative reform .


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