9 Results for: (Concept:02586619-v)
60003 认为 俄罗斯 方面 已经 进入 控制 首都 最后 阶段

The Russian force seems to have reached its final stage to take control of the capital . (eng)

60148 统计 问卷 调查 结果 表明 预测 之后 村山 执政 自民 社会 先驱 执政党 49% 接近 半数

According to the poll results , nearly half , 49_% , of the lower house members of the three-party ruling coalition of the Liberal_Democratic_Party ( LDP ) , Social_Democratic_Party_of_Japan ( SDP ) and New_Party_Sakigake predicted that Mr._Murayama would be still in power one year later . (eng)

61100 日本 统治 之下 发电 事业 开始 兴起 工业 地区 供电

Power generation has begun under the rule of Japan , and the river still supplies electricity to the industrial zones of both countries . (eng)

61134 冷战 结束 带来 任何 政党 执政 状况 日本 政治 自民党 三十八 统治 觉醒 与此同时 完全 迷失 作为 取代 穷途末路 利益 导向型 政治 政治 目标 价值 整个 政治 陷入 漂泊 状态

The end of the Cold_War presented a situation where any political party can come into power , and while Japanese politics has come out of its 38-year domination by the Liberal_Democratic_Party , at the same time , the new politics has lost sight of the " value " of the political objective to replace the dead-end politics of influence peddling , thus sending Japanese politics as a whole into an aimless state . (eng)

100043 那时 这里 狮城 Singapura 国王 统治

At this time , the city was then ruled by the five kings of ancient Singapura . (eng)

100057 1945 日本 投降 移交 英国 军事 管理 执政 一直 延续 槟城 马六甲 新加坡 海峡 殖民地 解体 为止

When the Japanese surrendered in 1945 , the island was handed over to the British_Military_Administration , which remained in power until the dissolve of the Straits_Settlement comprising Penang , Melaka and Singapore . (eng)

100660 暴政 统治 自己 国家 最终 迫使 臣民 不得不 求助 圣明 马都拉 王国 统治者 —— 卡克里希纳 Lord Sri Krishna

He ruled his kingdom with tyranny , which led his subjects to appeal to Lord_Sri_Krishna , the divine ruler of Madura , for help . (eng)

101446 除了 拥有 完善 商业 基础设施 良好 经济 环境 新加坡 政府 内部 稳定 执政 有力 飞速 发展 重要 因素

Other than having a sound business infrastructure and favourable economic climate , another factor for Singapore 's rapid growth is due to a stable and competent ruling government . (eng)

101736 相传 中国 元朝 时期 首领 朱元璋 想出 月饼 消息 法子 最后 得以 带领 人民 推翻 蒙古族 统治

History has it that during the Yuan dynasty in China , Zhu_Yuanzhang , the leader of the Ming_Army , conceived the plan to use mooncakes to distribute messages to the people , so as to overthrow the Mongolian rule . (eng)

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