7 Results for: (Concept:02558184-a)
100385 Katong is a culinary wonderland with its main road ( East Coast_Road ) dotted with a healthy variety of excellent local and international cuisine .
101776 If you are in the mood for something lighter , opt for Teochew food which is usually roasted or steamed , with very little animal fat and seasoning , such as steamed seafood , clear soups and healthy porridge .
102497 So if you 're looking for a healthy option at the food centre , be sure to order some Yong_Tau_Foo .
102527 The young athletes will participate in high-level competitions , alongside a Culture and Education_Programme focused on five themes : Olympism and Olympic values , skills development , well-being and healthy lifestyle , social responsibility and expression through digital media .
102534 In recent years , the dish as evolved into a healthier version with hawkers serving up more greens and adding less oil .
102535 This not only makes the dish healthy but the greens and bean sprouts give it a freshness and crunchy texture , adding to the overall star quality of this old-time favourite .
104036 Begin with the festive platter displaying an array of mouth-watering appetisers such as sea eel and edamame beans , a healthy and popular snack .

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