5 Results for: (Concept:02498320-v)
100360 如果 提前 预定 希望 豪华 私密 包间 享受 高档 优雅 氛围 不必 置身 喧闹 并且 饥饿 食客 人群

Make a reservation for enough people and you might be treated to the luxury of a private room where you can actually hold a decent conversation and not have your voice drowning in the din of excited ( and hungry ) guests . (eng)

100917 而且 非常 便于 使用 网站 www.airasia.com 使 能够 预定 航班 同时 5 酒店 进行 在线 选择

Its low prices are made available by the exclusion of administrative charges such as fuel surcharge , and its easy-to-navigate website , www.airasia.com , allows you to book your flight and choose from over 50,000 hotels online . (eng)

102270 注意 一些 餐馆 需要 提前 预定 所以 避免 失望 务必 提前 电话 预约

Note that reservations may be required at some places , so do call in advance to avoid disappointment . (eng)

102761 如果 团队 旅行 携带 购物袋 行李 可能 需要 预定 出租车 指定 地点

If you’re travelling in a group or carrying a load of shopping or luggage, you may want to book a taxi to your designated location. (eng)

103026 艰苦 祈祷 仪式 历时 小时 实际上 24 小时 之前 开始 因为 很多 预定 位置 而且 有时 携带 小包 纸巾

The exhausting two- hour procession actually begins 24 hours before , when many would reserve a place in the procession , sometimes with only a small tissue packet . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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