10 Results for: (Concept:02439949-a)
60203 The top person of the year was an American boy named Michael_Fay , who suffered a flogging punishment for vandalizing a car , ahead all other " persons of the year , " including British_Premier_John_Major .
60452 Afterward , many shogi players carried on competing with the aim of becoming the top player and attaining legendary status , which has continued to attract shogi fans .
60462 Following a suggestion by Meijin_Kimura after the war , a tournament system was introduced to rank all shogi players in the nation except the Meijin , with the top player competing against the Meijin once a year .
60550 He had already beaten Sakata in the Meijin_Tournament and jumped to the top spot in the Honinbo tournament as well .
60606 Team , individual all-around and individual events will be held , with the top 12 countries in the men 's and women 's team divisions and the top 120 individual finalists allowed to advance to the Atlanta_Olympic_Games .
60606 Team , individual all-around and individual events will be held , with the top 12 countries in the men 's and women 's team divisions and the top 120 individual finalists allowed to advance to the Atlanta_Olympic_Games .
60879 There are three round robin races in the semi finals , and the top two teams advance to the finals .
61237 However , for Japan to play a still wider role in international society as we approach the 21st century , we can not do otherwise hope that there will come to the fore an ever larger number of kokusaijin ( " international persons " ) who like the two will be active in top positions of international organizations .
61273 Last spring , the joint project team including members from the US and Japan discovered the top quark , which remained unidentified among the fundamental particles that are the building blocks of matter , by using the " Tevatron , " a large circular accelerator at the Fermi_National_Accelerator_Laboratory in the US , sending a wave of excitement through the scientific community .
61778 She was the top javelin thrower in the prefecture and had shown great promise for the future .

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