5 Results for: (Concept:02380009-v)
10106 That fatal night Dr. Roylott had gone to his room early , though we knew that he had not retired to rest , for my sister was troubled by the smell of the strong Indian cigars which it was his custom to smoke .
18651 It is necessary that you should withdraw .
60450 In 1935 when the then-13th shogi Meijin , Kinjiro_Sekine , decided to retire , a new title championship was established to decide the Japanese champion based on skill instead of the more than 300-year old traditional hereditary Meijin system .
60468 Kimura defeated both Oyama and Masuda to hold a total of eight career titles , but at the 11th tournament in 1952 , he was finally beaten by Oyama and never again recaptured the Meijin title , retiring with the words , " I have a good successor . "
60530 In 1937 the 23rd Honinbo_Shusai decided to retire and yielded the Honinbo name to the Tokyo_Nichinichi and Osaka_Mainichi_Daily_News newspapers in order to establish a Honinbo title system based on open competition .

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