10 Results for: (Concept:02367363-v)
11279 Will you associate me in your investigation , or will you prefer that I should act independently ? "
11280 " I should be proud to feel that we were acting together , Mr. Holmes , " said the inspector , earnestly .
13419 Hitherto I had been acting , and action had numbed thought .
13634 In whose interest are you acting , may I ask ?
13825 To my certain knowledge he has acted on behalf of three of the reigning Houses of Europe in very vital matters . '
18609 Then will come the greatest criminal trial of the century , the clearing up of over forty mysteries , and the rope for all of them - but if we move at all prematurely , you understand , they may slip out of our hands even at the last moment .
18700 It is obvious , therefore , than I can not do better than get away for the few days which remain before the police are at liberty to act .
18807 It would have been a coup-de-maître had he deduced what I would deduce and acted accordingly . '
60705 " He always acts on the spur of the moment . He talks like he 's going away for a little while , like it 's no big deal . "
62114 In the event of a major disaster , the SDF may act on their own , but we do not think mobilizing a large number of troops is a good idea .


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