8 Results for: (Concept:02187379-a)
13269 I was anxious to hurry my work , for I knew that Joseph , the Mr. Harrison whom you saw just now , was in town , and that he would travel down to Woking by the eleven o'clock train , and I wanted if possible to catch it .
55722 Apply in person on Monday , at eleven o'clock , to Duncan Ross , at the offices of the League , 7 Pope 's Court , Fleet Street . '
60468 Kimura defeated both Oyama and Masuda to hold a total of eight career titles , but at the 11th tournament in 1952 , he was finally beaten by Oyama and never again recaptured the Meijin title , retiring with the words , " I have a good successor . "
61580 They began loading a tanker with crude oil for North_Korea on the 11th .
61640 Prime Minister_Tomiichi_Murayama adopted " creative partnership " as the keyword for the Japan-US_Summit on the 11th .
103376 This year , the festival takes place from 11 September to 10 October .
104170 But if you prefer catching the action in the flesh , troop down to one of 11 regional stadiums to catch local league football games .
110159 Tell him , then , he snarled , that he is a and he spoke without pausing for breath for a good eleven minutes .

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