10 Results for: (Concept:02187161-a)
60467 Beginning with the ninth competition , the Asahi_Shimbun replaced the Mainichi_Daily_News as the sponsor of the Meijin tournament .
60471 Masuda was a king of a game , who attained the ninth level and was the first to hold three different titles .
100710 The mall has nine floors in all , each set to a specific theme , as well as a large internal courtyard .
100794 2 April to 9 May 2010 Fashion_Season @ Orchard will enliven Singapore 's world-famous shopping avenue with six weeks of fabulous activities to celebrate everything fashion .
101586 The front 9-hole course sprawls over heavily wooded hills and valleys with one major water hazard , while the back course is a green-carpeted plain .
102775 Buddhist youth sometimes organise mass blood donations at hospitals , while general rites and rituals practiced on Vesak_Day include chanting of mantras ; releasing of caged birds and animals ; having vegetarian meals ; and " bathing " a Buddha statue , a reference to the legend of the child Buddha being showered with the waters of nine dragons soon after birth .
103481 In Little_India , visitors can witness certain significant rituals and customs such as the honouring of the cattle and the Mass_Pongal , which consists of a cooking competition among 20 families as part of a nine- day Pongal_Festival .
103531 Its extensive menu features dishes across nine unique dining concepts , for a stimulating dining experience that satisfies your every food craving .
104321 A pair of nine- feet tall Dwarapalakas ( demigod gatekeepers ) flank the Rajagopuram entrance tower , which features the Chola style of architecture .
104428 Not only do the days leading up to Singapore's National Day on 9 August are set abuzz by pulsating , patriotic vibes all around the country , this is also the best time to take in our lush cityscape .

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