9 Results for: (Concept:02186338-a)
157 这样 答案 自明

724 类似 例子 不胜枚举 可以 抽空 访问 一下 Freshmeat . net 便

11096 人们 看到 敬而远之 赶紧 躲开 因为 力大无穷 发怒 时候 简直 什么 控制

None did come for a week , and then yesterday morning I found this paper lying on the sundial in the garden . (eng)

60806 因为 如此 大赛 如果 发生 激战 12 以来 再次 雌雄 角逐

Thus , if they clash this time , it will be the deciding battle capping 12 years of rivalry . (eng)

61070 都道府县 废除 国籍 条款 先例 大阪 神户 横滨 川崎 政令 指定 城市 设置 翻译 国籍 条款 专门 职务

The abolition of the nationality clause has no precedence at the prefectural level , though four designated cities of Osaka , Kobe , Yokohama and Kawasaki have set up interpreters and other professional posts free of the nationality clause . (eng)

61113 三十一日 下午 三点五十分 左右 京都 市南区 边町 经营 废品 回收 加藤 二郎 110 报警 自家 起居室 装有 娃娃 玻璃 盒子 打碎 弹痕

At around 3:50 p.m. , December 31 , Jiro_Kato , a waste recycler from Kawabe-cho , Higashi-kujo , Minami-ku_of_Kyoto_City , dialed the emergency number to report , " A glass doll case in the living room on the first floor of my house is broken , and there is a crater in the wall that seems like a bullet hole . " (eng)

61147 此外 选举法 严重 问题 应该 产生 今天 扭曲 现象 起源

Another thing is that this election law had an important aspect that one might say was the source that created the distortion as we see today . (eng)

61734 相反 改写 党名 作为 社会党 本身 生存 策略 姑息 想法 不时 出现

Conversely , we get a glimpse of temporizing tactics of changing their colors as a way of survival of the SDP itself . (eng)

61937 无论 粮食 只要 离开 受灾 应有尽有

There is plenty of water and food once we leave the disaster area . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>