10 Results for: (Concept:02150510-v)
18805 ' There he goes , ' said Holmes , as we watched the carriage swing and rock over the points .
47240 I was standing watching his pursuit with a mixture of admiration for his extraordinary activity and fear lest he should lose his footing in the treacherous Mire , when I heard the sound of steps , and , turning round , found a woman near me upon the path .
47493 For some minutes he stood watching intently .
47564 I stood among the rocks watching them , very much puzzled as to what I should do next .
47658 It was incredible how slowly the hours crawled by , and yet we were helped through it by the same sort of patient interest which the hunter must feel as he watches the trap into which he hopes the game may wander .
47869 Finally we stopped and sat panting on two rocks , while we watched him disappearing in the distance .
100966 With water sports such as wakeboarding , surfing and water skiing , this recreational space will let you take part or just watch these exciting adventure activities .
101046 During Hari_Raya , there will be a Ramadan celebration dinner buffet available daily , and will feature show kitchen where you can watch as the chefs fire up their woks and prepare your orders right in front of you .
101305 So if you hanker for watching some high octane local blade action , call the NIHL at ( 65 ) 6276 364 for more match schedules and updates .
103509 Watch chefs slice fish swiftly and remarkably in ways you never thought possible , and prepare your palate for the toro tataki or lightly seared tuna belly , Tatsuya 's must-try item .


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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>