1 Results for: (Concept:02145814-v)
101430 巷子 尽管 藏身 平凡 建筑 供应 正宗 客家 丘园 酒家 汇集 客家 豆腐 新加坡 招牌 宝地

Serving authentic Hakka cuisine , Kew_Garden_Restaurant is the perfect place to sample signature dishes from Singapore such as Hakka_Yong_Tau_Foo . (eng) This hidden gem of a restaurant is tucked away on the second storey of a nondescript building . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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