7 Results for: (Concept:02110082-v)
10169 It is certain , therefore , that my sister was quite alone when she met her end .
10226 " Yet if the lady is correct in saying that the flooring and walls are sound , and that the door , window , and chimney are impassable , then her sister must have been undoubtedly alone when she met her mysterious end . "
10352 Holmes refused to examine the third chamber , so we passed at once to the second , that in which Miss Stoner was now sleeping , and in which her sister had met with her fate .
46116 And yet , consider that every Baskerville who goes there meets with an evil fate .
48153 I start , then , from the day which succeeded that upon which I had established two facts of great importance , the one that Mrs Laura Lyons of Coombe Tracey had written to Sir Charles Baskerville and made an appointment with him at the very place and hour that he met his death , the other that the lurking man upon the moor was to be found among the stone huts upon the hillside .
48242 ' You acknowledge then , that you made an appointment with Sir Charles at the very hour and place at which he met his death , but you deny that you kept the appointment ? '
61931 Along with saving lives , it is a task of utmost importance to extend relief to the victims ' suffering from emotional and physical fatigue and to support them with food , clothing and shelter for the time being .

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