10 Results for: (Concept:02107442-v)
11255 " We are going to Riding Thorpe Manor , " said he , " but we have heard nothing of what has passed there . "
11587 That 's God 's truth , gentlemen , every word of it , and I heard no more about it until that lad came riding up with a note which made me walk in here , like a jay , and give myself into your hands . "
11607 Of Mrs. Hilton Cubitt I only know that I have heard she recovered entirely , and that she still remains a widow , devoting her whole life to the care of the poor and to the administration of her husband 's estate .
13624 If I can put the man into your hands you shall hear from me .
13944 When I heard that someone had been so anxious to get into the bedroom , in which no one but Joseph could have concealed anything - you told us in your narrative how you had turned Joseph out when you arrived with the doctor - my suspicions all changed to certainties , especially as the attempt was made on the first night upon which the nurse was absent , showing that the intruder was well acquainted with the ways of the house . '
46145 ' I have not heard of any . '
46470 ' Well , it was evident from what we have heard that Baskerville has been very closely shadowed by someone since he has been in town .
60380 The Central_District , home to a large number of expensive hotels and boutiques , also hears complaints such as , " Tourists avoid the area because there are too many Filipinos . "
60747 She had heard about Sekino , picturing him as some kind of bear-like muscleman before she met him .
101463 No prizes for guessing why complaints are rarely heard about the long queues .

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