4 Results for: (Concept:02103162-v)
10357 Holmes drew one of the chairs into a corner and sat silent , while his eyes travelled round and round and up and down , taking in every detail of the apartment .
10571 As he spoke he drew the dog- whip swiftly from the dead man 's lap , and throwing the noose round the reptile 's neck he drew it from its horrid perch and , carrying it at arm 's length , threw it into the iron safe , which he closed upon it .
10571 As he spoke he drew the dog- whip swiftly from the dead man 's lap , and throwing the noose round the reptile 's neck he drew it from its horrid perch and , carrying it at arm 's length , threw it into the iron safe , which he closed upon it .
60918 Koch , who believes " sailing is science , " appearing to be outclassed in the America_'s_Cup , pulled out a victory .

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