10 Results for: (Concept:02084071-n)
10410 The object which had caught his eye was a small dog lash hung on one corner of the bed .
10571 As he spoke he drew the dog- whip swiftly from the dead man 's lap , and throwing the noose round the reptile 's neck he drew it from its horrid perch and , carrying it at arm 's length , threw it into the iron safe , which he closed upon it .
61616 In the case of the illegal disposal of a body that is currently the focal point of the investigation , it is believed that having been told by the dealer that " breeding dogs is lucrative , " the company executive purchased a male-female pair of large-sized dogs native to Africa , but he only received one dog and got in trouble when he asked the dealer for the cancellation of the contract and a partial refund of the payment .
61616 In the case of the illegal disposal of a body that is currently the focal point of the investigation , it is believed that having been told by the dealer that " breeding dogs is lucrative , " the company executive purchased a male-female pair of large-sized dogs native to Africa , but he only received one dog and got in trouble when he asked the dealer for the cancellation of the contract and a partial refund of the payment .
61618 Raising a pet such as a dog enriches one 's mind .
61620 Many people must feel distressed when they hear about animals being used for the extreme opposite purpose and question calling the case the " Dog Lover_Case . "
61622 The number of purebred dogs registered with the Japan_Kennel_Club , which issues the pedigree certificate , has increased by 50 percent in the past six years with the total number reaching approximately 340,000 in over 100 different breeds the year before last .
61623 We hear that at the height of their popularity several years ago , Siberian_Huskies commanded high prices between 200,000 and 300,000_yen , but , now dubbed " bubble dogs , " they sometimes can not find a buyer even at 10,000_yen .
61624 As there is a speculative aspect to these exotic dogs , the number of breeders has also increased .
61626 If being told their love of dogs will lead to a profit-making opportunity , then we can hardly blame anyone categorically for becoming interested .

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