2 Results for: (Concept:02048977-a)
100948 海天楼 餐馆 烹制 萝卜糕 —— 通常 新鲜 萝卜 搭配 腊肠 虾米 长方形 煎炸

Restaurants such as Hai Tien Lo offer a Cantonese variation of the fried carrot cake - usually served with fresh radish, “lup cheong” (preserved Chinese sausage) and shrimp, in large rectangular slabs that are first steamed then fried whole. (eng)

101724 如果 充满 冒险 精神 初露头角 美食家 品尝 一下 莲蓉 蛋黄 传统 风味 榴莲 巧克力 咖啡 冰淇淋 外来 风味 可口 月饼 美味 馅料 长方形 圆形 面饼

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