4 Results for: (Concept:01991931-v)
11160 过道 过去 时候 看见 姐姐 门锁 房门 正在 慢慢 移动

I took an exact copy , and here it is . " (eng)

11324 村子 那儿 " 马车夫 遥指 左面 一簇 屋顶 但是 如果 你们 想到 房子 那里 你们 这样 一些 跨过 篱笆 台阶 然后 地里

Both she and her husband had occupied the bed . (eng) She was clad in her dress -- he in his dressing-gown , over his night-clothes . (eng)

11391 最后 走到 目不转睛 打量 好一会 下来 回瞅

" I thought so , " said he , " the revolver had an ejector , and here is the third cartridge . (eng)

11607 认为 合适 时候 通气孔 确信 绳子 爬到 床上



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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>