10 Results for: (Concept:01986806-n)
100396 选择 鸟蛤 或是 搭配 冒着 热气 粿条 尽情 享受 丰盛 美味

Choose from either cockles or prawns to go with a plate of sizzling hot char kway teow , and have a hearty meal that satisfies your sinful cravings . (eng)

100447 欢迎 广 点心 其中 包括 / 馒头 饺子 以及 酱料 香料 填塞 饺子 糕饼

One of the most popular items is dim sum which includes steamed or fried buns , dumplings and pastries stuffed with meat , prawns , sauces and herbs . (eng)

100993 殷切 期待 餐厅 品尝 简单 雅致 独特 菜肴 野生 薄荷 新鲜 柠檬 烘烤 独特 菜品 —— 展现 意大利 南部 对于 食物 纯度 口感 重视

At this much-anticipated new eatery , you can expect simple yet elegant dishes such as roasted fish with a sprinkle of wild mint and grilled fresh prawns in lemon leaves served in a charming terracotta pot reflective of how Italians from the South appreciate the purity and texture of their food . (eng)

101803 2005 美食 面面观 评为 传奇 摊贩 Ng Hock Wah 先生 17 创立 福建

Named a hawker legend by Makansutra in 2005 , Mr_Ng_Hock_Wah founded Nam_Sing_Hokkien_Fried_Mee when he was 17 . (eng)

101805 这里 福建 采用 虾仁 鱿鱼 煎炒 米粉 充分 吸收 凤尾鱼 滋味

The fried Hokkien noodles served here is the dry version , with the yellow and rice noodles absorbing the prawn and anchovy stock , fried with prawns and squid . (eng)

101805 这里 福建 采用 虾仁 鱿鱼 煎炒 米粉 充分 吸收 凤尾鱼 滋味

The fried Hokkien noodles served here is the dry version , with the yellow and rice noodles absorbing the prawn and anchovy stock , fried with prawns and squid . (eng)

101970 尽管 乌打 常见 做法 可以 找到 墨鱼 以及 鱼头 制作 乌打

While fish otak otak is the most common , you 'll also be able to find other variations made with prawns , cuttlefish , crab and fish head . (eng)

101970 尽管 乌打 常见 做法 可以 找到 墨鱼 以及 鱼头 制作 乌打

While fish otak otak is the most common , you 'll also be able to find other variations made with prawns , cuttlefish , crab and fish head . (eng)

102132 其它 家常 客家 算盘 类似 山药 丸子 梅菜 扣肉 五花肉

Other home-cooked favourites include red wine prawns, “abacus seeds” (which is like yam-flavoured gnocchi), salt baked chicken and Mei Chai Ko Rou (stewed fatty pork with preserved vegetables). (eng)

102170 这里 著名 自助餐 包括 叻沙 粿条 经典 小吃 垂涎欲滴

This famous buffet features a wide range of classic favourites such as prawn noodles , laksa , popiah and char kway teow that will make your mouth water . (eng)

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