8 Results for: (Concept:01972298-v)
10179 Begitu saya membuka pintu kamar , sayup-sayup saya mendengar suara siulan seperti yang diceritakan Julia , dan beberapa saat kemudian terdengar juga suara gemerencing , seperti nya ada logam yang jatuh .

As I opened my door I seemed to hear a low whistle , such as my sister described , and a few moments later a clanging sound , as if a mass of metal had fallen . (eng)

10198 `` Sebentar , '' kata Holmes , `` apakah Anda yakin telah mendengar suara siulan dan logam jatuh itu ?

" One moment , " said Holmes , " are you sure about this whistle and metallic sound ? (eng)

10279 Coba kalau dirangkaikan semuanya : siulan di malam hari , rombongan gipsi yang berteman baik dengan dokter tua itu , upaya nya untuk mencegah pernikahan anak tiri nya , terlihat nya lilitan yang mungkin menyebabkan kematian saudara kembar wanita tadi , dan akhirnya kenyataan bahwa Miss Stoner mendengar suara logam jatuh , yang mungkin sekali merupakan suara seseorang yang sedang mengembalikan salah satu palang besi yang telah dibuka sebelumnya .

" When you combine the ideas of whistles at night , the presence of a band of gipsies who are on intimate terms with this old doctor , the fact that we have every reason to believe that the doctor has an interest in preventing his stepdaughter 's marriage , the dying allusion to a band , and , finally , the fact that Miss Helen Stoner heard a metallic clang , which might have been caused by one of those metal bars that secured the shutters falling back into its place , I think that there is good ground to think that the mystery may be cleared along those lines . " (eng)

10703 Bunyi logam jatuh yang didengar oleh Miss Stoner pastilah bunyi pintu lemari besi , yang ditutup oleh ayah tiri nya dengan tergesa-gesa .

The metallic clang heard by Miss Stoner was obviously caused by her stepfather hastily closing the door of his safe upon its terrible occupant . (eng)

11956 Jika benang ini benar-benar putus , maka diri nya , yang ia anggap paling penting dan telah bersusah payah memanjat sampai se jauh ini , harus jatuh jungkir balik dan kembali ke Neraka seperti sedia kala .

If the string was to break off in the middle , even he , who had climbed all way to here would plunge back to hell where he started from . the (eng)

11959 Jika ia tidak segera berbuat sesuatu , benang ini niscaya akan putus di tengah , menjadi dua , dan ia pun pasti akan ikut jatuh .

If he did not take immediate action , surely the string would split in half at the middle , and he would fall . (eng)

11967 Dalam sekejap Kandata terjun se cepat kilat , berputar-putar seperti gasing dan jatuh tersungkur ke dasar kegelapan .

Before he could even cry out , he flew down , spinning like a top , and plunged headfirst to the depths of the darkness . (eng)

101228 Sedangkan Tangyuan biasanya disantap saat Festival Tengah Musim Gugur .

On the other hand , Tangyuan is traditionally eaten during the Mid-Autumn_Festival . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>