4 Results for: (Concept:01918001-a)
60456 德川 幕府 时期 第一 大桥 宗桂 自称 名人 一六一二年

Under the Tokugawa_Shogunate , Sokei_I_Ohashi became the first Meijin in 1612 . (eng)

60692 横滨市 中学 年级 男生 十二月 二十六日 [ 东京站 离开 之后 便 下落不明 然而 [ 岐阜县 警察厅 大垣 警署 三十一日 逗留 大垣市 旅馆 当事人 进行 看护 在一起 固定 住所 自称 经营 私塾 坂秀典 嫌疑犯 诱拐 未成年人 嫌疑 进行 逮捕

On December 31 , Ogaki_Police_Station_of_the_Gifu_Prefectural_Police took into protective custody a boy in the first grade of junior high school , who had been missing since he left home in Yokohama on December 26 , saying , " I 'm going to Tokyo_Station " ; the Police also arrested Hidenori_Nagasaka , of no fixed address and claiming to be a private school manager , who was found together with the boy in a hotel in Ogaki , on suspicion of kidnapping him , a minor . (eng)

61727 [ 新党 黎明 上田 自称 自由主义 始祖 田 英夫 护宪 自由主义

Mr._Tetsu_Ueda_of_Gokenshinto_Akatsuki ( literally , the New_Guardian_of_Constitution_Party ) claimed to be the first " liberal , " and there was also the Gokenriberarunokai ( " Society of Liberals and Guardians_of_the_Constitution " ) led by Mr._Hideo_Den and other lawmakers . (eng)

61732 成立 民主 自由 新党 目标 人们 自以为是 所以 日本式 自由主义 但是 因为 自由主义 伴有 具体 形象 所以 新进党 自称 开拓 精神 天真 做法 不行

While those going for the New_Democratic_Liberal_Party say , with self satisfaction , " In that sense , a Japanese-style ' liberal ' is possible , " it is not as simple as Shinshinto calling themselves the New_Frontier since a specific image is attached to the term " liberal . " (eng)

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