10 Results for: (Concept:01729819-a)
60098 However , while almost all the members of the former Democratic_Socialist_Party participated in the New_Frontier_Party , we have not yet decided our partner , as our connections with New_Party_Sakigake are still unstable .
60157 Mr._Hata obtained a total of 10_% among the NFP members , with 20_% in the former Democratic_Socialist_Party , 16_% in the former Japan_Renewal_Party and 8_% in the former Japan_New_Party .
60157 Mr._Hata obtained a total of 10_% among the NFP members , with 20_% in the former Democratic_Socialist_Party , 16_% in the former Japan_Renewal_Party and 8_% in the former Japan_New_Party .
60157 Mr._Hata obtained a total of 10_% among the NFP members , with 20_% in the former Democratic_Socialist_Party , 16_% in the former Japan_Renewal_Party and 8_% in the former Japan_New_Party .
60162 In the questionnaire , twelve other names were mentioned , including International_Trade and Industry_Minister_Ryutaro_Hashimoto , former Deputy_Prime_Minister and Foreign_Minister_Michio_Watanabe , and LDP_Vice_President_Keizo_Obuchi .
60171 The Washington_Post carried an essay by former Secretary_of_State , Henry_Kissinger , insisting , " The expansion of NATO is an urgent task . "
60172 The former Secretary_of_State commented in the essay , " Unless NATO expands to embrace the four East_European countries including Poland and Hungary , a vacant area will be formed between Germany and Russia , which will lead to severer confrontation between the two , due to each country 's moves to occupy this area for security reasons . "
60250 Three people , ex-President of Mexico , Carlos_Salinas de Gotari , former Minister_for_Foreign_Trade_of_Italy , Renato_Ruggiero , and former Minister_of_Commerce , Industry and Energy_of_South_Korea , Kim are running for the seat of 1st director-general .
60250 Three people , ex-President of Mexico , Carlos_Salinas de Gotari , former Minister_for_Foreign_Trade_of_Italy , Renato_Ruggiero , and former Minister_of_Commerce , Industry and Energy_of_South_Korea , Kim are running for the seat of 1st director-general .
60342 Previous Chinese immigrants would put down roots in places like Toronto_'s_Chinatown and after achieving some success move to the various suburbs , but the only identifiably Chinese community was found in Chinatown .

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