8 Results for: (Concept:01729566-a)
60120 但是 美国 已往 主张 重视 发达 国家 所以 现在 美国 急切 要求 过于 明显 遭到 发展中 国家 强烈 批评

But the U.S. initiative so far only focused on developed nations , and its rush demands faced strong criticism from developing countries . (eng)

60157 推举 羽田 除了 民社党 20% 以外 新生党 [ 日本 新党 分别 16% 8% 新进党 10%

Mr._Hata obtained a total of 10_% among the NFP members , with 20_% in the former Democratic_Socialist_Party , 16_% in the former Japan_Renewal_Party and 8_% in the former Japan_New_Party . (eng)

60157 推举 羽田 除了 民社党 20% 以外 新生党 [ 日本 新党 分别 16% 8% 新进党 10%

Mr._Hata obtained a total of 10_% among the NFP members , with 20_% in the former Democratic_Socialist_Party , 16_% in the former Japan_Renewal_Party and 8_% in the former Japan_New_Party . (eng)

60157 推举 羽田 除了 民社党 20% 以外 新生党 [ 日本 新党 分别 16% 8% 新进党 10%

Mr._Hata obtained a total of 10_% among the NFP members , with 20_% in the former Democratic_Socialist_Party , 16_% in the former Japan_Renewal_Party and 8_% in the former Japan_New_Party . (eng)

60342 已往 华裔 移民 首先 多伦多 唐人街 扎下 根基 如果 事业有成 搬到 郊外 但是 可以 称为 中国人 社会 地区 限于 唐人街

Previous Chinese immigrants would put down roots in places like Toronto_'s_Chinatown and after achieving some success move to the various suburbs , but the only identifiably Chinese community was found in Chinatown . (eng)

60508 名人赛 登场 这样 下去 可能 成为 运气 悲惨 棋手 米长 好像 已往 败退 一样 展开 精彩 对弈 最后 终于 四十九 零十一 年纪 成为 有史以来 年龄 名人

It was Yonenaga 's seventh attempt at the Meijin title and it looked like he could remain the " unlucky " shogi player , but he avenged his past defeats with superb game development to win the title and become the oldest Meijin ever at 49 years and 11 months . (eng)

61120 神户市 中央区 高中 教师 会长 小池 启纳 一九八○年 夏季 南京 扬州 路段 作为 最初 距离 其后 随着 夏季 中国 进行 距离 自行车 远足 九二年 夏天 丝绸之路 四千 公里

The Association led by Hironori_Koike , Chairman and former high school teacher from Chuo-ku , Kobe , first cycled between Nanjing and Yangzhou in the summer of 1980 , and has held a long-distance cycling tour in China every summer since then ; in the summer of 1992 , they traveled through the 4,000_kilometers of the Silk_Road . (eng)

101055 地标 芽笼 士乃 市场 莫属 原址 新修 市场 从前 古貌 感觉 清爽 许多 新加坡 马来 传统 市场 除了 各种 新鲜 农产品 附近 美食 摊档 可以 美味 马来 印度 清真 食品

The other landmark is the Geylang_Serai_Market , which recently replaced its old long-standing predecessor on the same spot with a sparkling new two-floor complex . (eng) The market sells some of the freshest produce and poultry in Singapore , and it also has a large selection of hawker stalls selling the best Malay and Indian Muslim dishes around . (eng)

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