10 Results for: (Concept:01728476-a)
60642 石原 信雄 内阁 官房 长官 鸠山邦夫 劳动 大臣 甚至 评论家 作家 界屋 以及 出云市 市长 岩国 哲人 名字 谈论

Among other rumored names are Nobuo_Ishihara , Deputy_Chief_Cabinet_Secretary ; Kunio_Hatoyama , former Labor_Minister ; Taichi_Sakaiya , a critic and writer ; and Tetsundo_Iwakuni , Mayor_of_Izumo_City . (eng)

60661 剧场 上演 自编 明星

In 1989 , he had produced and staged " Star , " his original play , at that theater . (eng)

60664 半夜 第三 空袭 警报 早上 4点55

The third air raid alarm since last night started ringing at 4:55 a.m. (eng)

60818 成员 船队 奥运会 选手 美式 足球 教练 人才 济济

Team members come from varied backgrounds , including former Olympic yachting competitors and American football instructors . (eng)

61315 然而 总统 全斗焕 表明 历史 责任 首先 在于 民族 自身 这个 立场 以来 韩国 领导人 态度 逐渐 产生 变化

However , the South_Korean leaders ' attitude has changed since the former President_Chun_Doo_Hwan issued the statement on his standpoint by saying , " First and foremost , the responsibility for the nation 's history lies with its people themselves . " (eng)

61316 卢泰愚 总统 金泳三 总统 坚持 姿态

Former President_Roh_Tae_Woo and President_Kim_Young_Sam have also firmly maintained this stance . (eng)

61355 欧盟 囊括 苏联 之外 欧洲 人口 70% 动向 日本 巨大 意义

The movement of the EU , which has incorporated 70 percent of the European population excluding the former Soviet_Union , has a great significance to Japan as well . (eng)

61728 柿泽 弘治 外相 自民党 时代 创立 自由主义者 政权 诞生 出力 议员 组成 自由主义 政权会

Former foreign minister Koji_Kakizawa founded the " Liberals " while he was a member of the LDP , and it was the " Society for the Creation_of_the_Liberal_Administration " established by the members of the LDP and the SDP that played a role in the formation of the Murayama regime . (eng)

62020 长度 仅仅 45 分钟 大作

It was a huge piece of work with the length being twice as much as that of the two previous speeches , and it took 45 minutes just to deliver . (eng)

62029 演说 感觉 相当 干劲 但是 演说 首相 面孔 首相 声音

While his enthusiasm came across in the two earlier speeches , we could not detect any of that elan in the Prime_Minister 's latest speech . (eng)

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