8 Results for: (Concept:01658666-a)
608 团团 包围 可怜 传统 经理人 等到 ´ 监督 任何 援兵

60224 贝卢斯哥尼 首相 辞职 引发 意大利 政治 危机 肯定 延续 明年 不过 推举 迪皮埃特罗 检察官 首相 组织 已经 宣布 成立 检察官 抗议 围绕 查处 政治 腐败 政治 压力

It has become sure that the political crisis in Italy , sparked by the resignation of Prime_Minister_Berlusconi , will extend well into next year , while in another political move , a committee has been formed to push into the Prime_Minister post the former Prosecutor_DiPietro , who had resigned to protest " political pressure " regarding the corruption investigation . (eng)

61340 欧盟 预定 96年 包括 货币 统一 计划 在内 全面 重新 审议 马约 围绕 统一 进程 交涉 更加 活跃

A full review of the Maastricht_Treaty , including the reassessment of the initial setup for the monetary union , is planned in 1996 and maneuvering among member states is expected to intensify around how currency unification is to take place . (eng)

61350 围绕 扩大 战略 不同 姿态 可能 使 德法 轴心 产生 裂痕

The conflicting positions of the two nations over the expansion strategy could impair German-French central role . (eng)

61631 近来 拜金主义 蔓延 围绕 金钱 杀人 事件 引人注目

" Money is God " seems to be pervasive in our society these days and there has been a conspicuous number of homicide cases over money . (eng)

62026 围绕 成立 新党 社会党 大混乱 政权 基础 大大 动摇

The Social_Democratic_Party is in disarray in connection with forming a new party , and the foundation of the government is shaken in a major way . (eng)

101151 环绕 之中 哈查 花蒂玛 回教堂 建筑群 祈祷 女主人 坟墓 伊玛目 寓所 斋戒 沐浴 花园

Enclosed by a high wall , the Hajjah_Fatimah_Mosque compound comprises a prayer hall , a mausoleum ( where Hajjah_Fatimah is buried ) , the quarters of an Imam ( Malay priest ) , an ablution area , several annexes and a garden . (eng)

102944 旗袍 位于 Shaw Towers 优雅 精巧 玫瑰 红色 墙壁 弧形 曲折 环绕 视同 珍宝 服饰 Tan 女士 设计 大胆 改造 灵感 全部 来源 传统 中式 服装

Tong Tong 's founder and designer , Tan_Sheau_Yun , has established a distinct , instantly recognisable style for the line with her use of quirky , bold fabrics and refashioned silhouettes . (eng) The quaint store in Shaw_Towers features a rosy-hued curved wall that swirls through the shop and surrounds a treasure trove of cheekily reinvented traditional Chinese- inspired dresses and clothes designed by Tan . (eng) Tong Tong offers a modern and quirky take on the traditional cheongsam by taking the traditional Chinese dress as a starting point . (eng)

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