6 Results for: (Concept:01655902-v)
60563 大约 改建 住房 我们 临时 别处

It was when I lived in temporary housing to reconstruct our house 10 years ago . (eng)

60951 一百五十 二十 学生 面前 宗教 副部长 乌斯曼 发表 讲话 五十 村子 伊斯兰 学校 新建 改建

Vice Minister_of_Religion and Cultural_Affairs_Usman gave a speech in front of 150 students aged eight to 20 , and 50 villages in the province are in the process of building or rebuilding Islamic schools . (eng)

61054 但是 这个 市场 改建 面向 游客 现代 商店

Yet this market is in the midst of converting into a modern shopping arcade catering to the tourist crowd . (eng)

61055 城市 五十 公里 傣族 村子 里面 原来 独特 高吊式 房屋 改建 现代 砖瓦 结构

Even at a Tai ethnic village 50_kilometers away , people are remodeling houses in modern brick from their unique stilt-house style . (eng)

102699 印度 风格 庙宇 1859 1983 重建

Built in 1859 and rebuilt in 1983 , the distinctive feature of this Southern Indian temple is its roof , with 48 engraved glass panels angled to catch the rising and setting sun . (eng)

102870 餐厅 The White Rabbit 坐落 古色古香 不乏 时尚 元素 邓布西 Dempsey Hill 兼具 酒吧 功能 唯美 餐厅 庄严 神圣 教堂 改建

The White_Rabbit is a restaurant and bar housed in an awe-inspiring and beautifully- restored chapel off the antiquated but stylish Dempsey_Hill area . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>