7 Results for: (Concept:01647543-v)
60108 组建 新党 参议院 选举 之前 还是 选举 之后 根据 统一 地方 选举 失败 结果 看法 主要 地位

It is mostly regarded that whether it is held before or after Upper_House election depends on " how badly we lose the unified local elections . " (eng)

60268 中国 针对 潘尼亚 访 表示 抗议 拒绝 部长 一月份 访 计划 希望 实现 直接 通航 中国

Though China , opposing Pena 's visit to Taiwan , rejected his visit , which was originally scheduled in January , it is China that wants the direct service the most . (eng)

61069 实施 时期

The implementation date is still unknown . (eng)

101738 现在 人们 中秋节 作为 起义 纪念日 人们 通过 月饼 柚子 方式 庆祝 中秋 佳节

This day is now used to commemorate the Mid-Autumn_Festival and is celebrated with the lighting of lanterns , as well as the eating of mooncakes and pomelo fruits . (eng)

102059 然而 为了 承认 马来 属于 本地 居民 团体 新加坡 国家 语言 Bahasa Melayu , 马来

However , in recognition of the status of the Malay people as the indigenous community in Singapore , the national language of the country is Bahasa_Melayu , or the Malay Language . (eng)

102502 后来 更名 马来西亚 国际 汽车 大奖 1962 - 64 最后 1965 新加坡 独立 以后 最终 名为 新加坡 国际 汽车 大奖

102703 节日 期间 信徒 沿着 线路 朝圣 其间 剃头 赎罪 头顶 仪式 针刺 穿 皮肤 舌头 脸颊 常见 他们 这些 方式 表达 对于 自己 信仰 忠诚

On the day of the festival , devotees shave their heads undertake a pilgrimage along a set route while engaging in various acts of devotion , carrying various types of kavadi ( burdens ) . (eng) This may entail carrying a pot of milk , but mortification of the flesh by piercing the skin , tongue or cheeks with skewers is also common a sign of their faith to the religion . (eng)



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