10 Results for: (Concept:01644847-a)
800 Agora 希腊 公开 市场 或者 公众 机会 场所

11073 除了 土地 二百 古老 邱宅 其它 荡然无存 邸宅 典押

I told her that I was content to take her on her own terms , and I have been as good as my word . (eng)

11086 之后 罗伊洛特 医生 放弃 重新 伦敦 开业 意图 我们 一起 斯托克莫兰 祖先 留下 古老 邸宅 过活

I am only a simple Norfolk squire , but there is not a man in England who ranks his family honour more highly than I do . (eng)

11089 起初 邻居们 看到 斯托克莫兰 罗伊洛特 后裔 回到 古老 家族 邸宅 十分 高兴

" Well , now I come to the queer part of my story . (eng)

11120 已经 庄园 邸宅 极其 古老 只有 耳房 现在

If , on the other hand , it is systematic , I have no doubt that we shall get to the bottom of it . (eng)

11319 树丛 之中 矗立 十分 古老 邸宅 灰色 山墙 高高 屋顶

She breathed heavily , but was incapable of saying anything . (eng) She was horribly wounded , and the side of her face was red with blood . (eng)

60355 这些 资金 当地 筹集 银行 贷款 但是 没有 公司 要求 支援 必要 总编 自豪

" We procured all of the funding locally . We borrowed from banks , but we did not once need support from the head office , " chief editor Gu says proudly . (eng)

60357 建设 资金 一千二百万 加元 通过 慈善 活动 募捐 筹集 总编 可以 一多半 香港 资金

The 12_million_Canadian_dollars it took to build it was raised entirely through charity fundraising and donations , and according chief editor Gu , " It 's fair to say over half is Hong_Kong money . " (eng)

100420 紧邻 The Club 酒店 坐落 粉饰 世纪 建筑

Adjacent to it is The_Club , occupying a newly white-washed building that dates back to the 1900s . (eng)

100846 这里 销售 罕见 瓷器 黄金 钻石 雕件 雕像

You 'll also find computers , health equipment and cheap fashion items in the stores , alongside tailors and other beauty shops , which makes it a great place to get a suit tailored or to get your nails done . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>