6 Results for: (Concept:01569965-a)
45929 There is no reason whatever to suspect foul play , or to imagine that death could be from any but natural causes .
100592 Filled with numerous wonderful surprises , City_Green is designed to provide a learning experience about ecology and the natural environment .
101163 Main highlights here are the Hilltop , Canopy and Forest_Walks , where bridges cut through the natural beauty of the forest 's flora and fauna , including the Adinandra_Belukar , a distinct type of secondary forest , giving you a glorious view of the surrounding city , harbour and Southern_Islands .
101389 Located at the tip of the Malay_Peninsula , the natural meeting point of sea routes , the city served as a flourishing trading post for a wide variety of sea crafts , from Chinese junks , Indian vessels , Arab dhows and Portuguese battleships to Buginese schooners .
102437 Rising from the cultivated gardens are majestic pagodas , built to integrate and to be in harmony with the natural environment .
104271 With indoors and alfresco dining , Kha is beautifully designed with natural finishes such as dark wood walls and rustic teak flooring .

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>