10 Results for: (Concept:01493741-v)
10576 The presence of the gipsies , and the use of the word ' band ' , which was used by the poor girl , no doubt , to explain the appearance which she had caught a hurried glimpse of by the light of her match , were sufficient to put me upon an entirely wrong scent .
60976 The fall of Saigon in 1975 , however , put a moratorium on development .
61221 By putting deregulation measures into practice , we will advance toward an " economic society " that is imbued with the principle of self-responsibility .
61294 Basic research funds in Japan are small and if a total of several billion yen is to be spent out of this pot , it will put a strain on other areas .
61297 On June 22 , 1965 , the two countries put an end to lengthy negotiations stretching over fourteen years by signing the Japan-South_Korea_Basic_Relations_Treaty and other documents .
61311 The incident where Mr._Kim_Dae_Jung , one of the leaders of the opposition party , was abducted from a hotel in Tokyo under broad daylight in 1973 put the relationship between the two countries under the greatest strain .
61654 Also , there is concern over the Chechen situation that could put his sworn ally Russian_President_Yeltsin on shaky ground .
61816 Furthermore , the new US_Congress that has convened on the 4th is putting pressure on President_Clinton for the new reforms .
61827 This is due to the fact that politicians tend to put priority on vote-catching policies .
62005 We suggest that we find dangerous active faults , put a hold on development in surrounding areas and conduct detailed surveys .

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