8 Results for: (Concept:01473680-a)
60680 The Okushiri town hall announced that it was not a major quake , and no serious confusion occurred .
61980 It was because they were unable to predict the four major earthquakes that happened in Hokkaido and Tohoku regions in the past two years , and they were caught off guard when the Great_Hanshin_Earthquake struck .
61982 While scholars are not at fault in that sense , we strongly feel it is " unfortunate " that a series of earthquakes that brought major havoc have occurred where nobody had expected .
61988 If it occurs with no advance warning , it is expected that major tremors and tidal waves will strike over a large area and damage will far exceed that of the Great_Hanshin_Earthquake .
62011 As there is concern that a Tokai earthquake and a Tokyo_Metropolitan_Area near-field earthquake may occur , in addition to the emerging views that the entire country has entered an active seismic period , we believe the time has come for us to have in place a system to confront a major earthquake immediately .
62068 Furthermore , it has been reported that the plate supporting the Japanese archipelago is now in a seismically active period , and major earthquakes could occur anytime and anywhere .
62114 In the event of a major disaster , the SDF may act on their own , but we do not think mobilizing a large number of troops is a good idea .
102403 Major reconstruction on the temple in the 1980s added a distinctive gate-tower , eight main domes and several other minor ones , which makes this one of the most spectacular experiences in Singapore .

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