10 Results for: (Concept:01438902-v)
60054 带来 奇迹般 经济 发展 官僚 主导 体系 反而 成为 障碍 陷入 机能 状态

The bureaucrat-led system that brought about miraculous economic growth has now become an obstacle and even causes malfunctioning of the system . (eng)

60299 演出 放射 能量 带给 听众 感受

The fiercely impassioned energy emanating from the performance was indelibly impressed on the audience . (eng)

61348 人们 极其 担忧 经济 差距 中东欧 诸国 过早 加盟 统一 带来 混乱

Given the wide economic disparity , there is a concern that the hasty accession of Central and Eastern_European countries might create chaos in the monetary union . (eng)

61445 各自 政治 变化 政治 带来 强烈 冲击 不过 现在 回顾 虽然 政治 变化 达到 摧毁 政治 深层 结构 政治 变革 可以 看出 国民 焦急 失望 增加

While each event was a significant political shift and had an enormous impact on postwar politics , in looking back at the past year and a_half , it appears that the people 's frustration and disappointment have been amplified since even though these major changes in politics occurred , they stopped short of turning into a large-scale political reform to reach and destroy the innermost core of the existing political structure . (eng)

61739 墨西哥 货币 危机 正在 世界 外汇 市场 带来 巨大 影响

The Mexican currency crisis is creating a rippling effect in the exchange market worldwide . (eng)

61782 体育 精神 医学 专家 警告 有些 运动员 由于 节假日 休息 激烈 训练 陷入 精神 身体 状态 带来 异常 过度 训练 综合征

Some sports psychiatrists are warning about athletes suffering from " over-training syndrome , " showing mental and / or physical disorders developed by grueling training with no days off . (eng)

61801 于是 高度 评价 美国 社会 带来 活力 原动力 NPO 存在 引起 人们 注目

Given this situation , the law for NPO ( Non-Profit Organization ) that has been acclaimed as the powerful driving force in revitalizing the American society has attracted much attention . (eng)

61976 议会 政治 带来 活力 我们 大大 期待 注视 论战

As well , we look forward to and will keep an eye on the debate from the viewpoint of revitalizing parliamentary politics . (eng)

61977 面临 选举 国会 过去 政府 往往 国民 带来 阵痛 法案 编制 盛大 预算 执政党 在野党 始终 进行 有利于 自己 宣传 合战 避开 论战 倾向

In the case of a regular Diet session with upcoming elections , it has been a familiar practice where the government tends to hold back the bills that might cause pain to the people and draw up a lavish budget , and both the ruling and opposition parties tend to be preoccupied with advertising campaigns attempting to turn every argument to make themselves look good while avoiding actual debates . (eng)

61982 虽然 意义 学者 没有 责任 但是 没有 预料 地点 相继 发生 带来 巨大 灾难 地震 所以 遗憾 心情 强烈

While scholars are not at fault in that sense , we strongly feel it is " unfortunate " that a series of earthquakes that brought major havoc have occurred where nobody had expected . (eng)

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