10 Results for: (Concept:01437963-a)
60129 The Total_Fertility_Rate is also expected to recover from 1.46 to 1.47 or 1.49 , after the long decrease since 1985 , finally showing a change in the seriously declining birth-rate .
60150 One of the reasons given by the SDP members was " As long as a coalition government of the LDP , SDP and Sakigake stays in power , there will be no alternative but Prime_Minister_Murayama , " while the LDP members gave reasons , such as " He is good because he is a person with few wants " and " There is no reason to replace him . "
60184 The villagers put on their traditional clothes for the first time in a long while , and sacrifice pigs and chickens to the spirits of their ancestors and the village .
60229 President Castro and Player_Maradona have known each other for a long time .
60290 Yokoo has always been on the vanguard of the times since long , long ago .
60290 Yokoo has always been on the vanguard of the times since long , long ago .
60379 For the Filipino women who work long hours as live-in helpers , talking together in the Central_District is a precious break .
60401 For this reason , it is difficult to turn down requests to work long hours or on holidays .
60521 Honinbo was famous long ago as the first master of the game go .
60952 Due to Cambodia 's long war , the Mekong lagged behind in development and also remained isolated from such things as river pollution .

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