10 Results for: (Concept:01422556-a)
100642 Mingle with celebrities and partners of the festival and enjoy music from the Mediterranean performed live by an array of leading musicians .
100694 It is not uncommon to see various forms of tentage set up in open fields during this period , for the Chinese also believe in entertaining the spirits with boisterous live wayang and getai performances not only depicting tales of the divine gods and goddesses , but also bawdy stand-up comedy with a local twang , song and dance numbers in the various Chinese dialects and even sensually acrobatic pole dancing by felinely lithe spandex clad dancers .
101462 As if that is not enticing enough , all members of staff are dressed in attire of Victorian influence , and are almost always engaged in some form of live action , which you can watch while queuing up for your food .
102347 Formerly known as Woh_Hup_Complex , it has 411 shops in total , and you 'll find all sorts of authentic Thai food , CDs , beer , fashion and you can even watch a Thai band or two perform at night live .
103330 As part of South_Korea_'s_Theatre_Moollee , Han combines movement , text , object manipulation and live Korean percussion music in this splendid production .
103834 This Clarke_Quay stalwart is highly regarded for its penchant for live rock ‘n ' roll and blues music .
103836 Many a famous rock , blues and pop legend has played at Crazy_Elephant , with live performances kicking off at 10pm every night .
103839 The music here is always live , loud and rocking , so make your way down to Crazy_Elephant for a smashing good evening .
103877 Live music fans can also get their fix with a smorgasbord of concerts , while film buffs can expect exclusive gala premiers .
104168 Our deep historical roots with Britain extend to this day , as much of the nation 's population are hooked on the English_Premier_League , thronging the many bars and neighbourhood coffee shops to catch the games live on most weekends .

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>