4 Results for: (Concept:01402498-a)
60043 国家 规定 行使 公共 权力 从事 公共 意识 形成 公务员 必须 拥有 日本 国籍 但是 地方 公务员 法中 规定 禁止 录用 日本 国籍

The Japanese government insists that " Japanese nationality is essential for public servants who execute public rights and make decisions on public matters , " however , there is no rule to forbid employing non-Japanese under the Local_Public_Service_Law . (eng)

60943 宗教 禁止 年轻 缺少 固有 文化 有所

Their religion was outlawed and the younger generations have lost their unique culture . (eng)

61021 最近 洞穴 周围 公顷 农田 耕作 禁止

Just recently , a one-hectare cultivated field on farmland that neighbors caves has been banned . (eng)

103135 明确 禁止 网站 材料 内容 用于 其它 用途 否则 可能 导致 严重 民事 刑事 处罚

Use for any other purpose is expressly prohibited , and may result in severe civil and criminal penalties . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>