6 Results for: (Concept:01376355-a)
60452 Afterward , many shogi players carried on competing with the aim of becoming the top player and attaining legendary status , which has continued to attract shogi fans .
60545 He defeated one opponent after the other with his Heimei style that struck a balance by factoring in the komi system and achieved a legendary nine consecutive titles .
101642 Raffles Hotel's The Long Bar is also home to the legendary Singapore_Sling , originally concocted by Ngiam_Tong_Boon , one of its bartenders .
102517 Named after ( and founded by ) evergreen Malaysian singer M._Nasir , this is one café that needs no extra differentiation .
102803 Some of the musical outfits that have performed in the first four years of the festival 's inception include legendary multi-Grammy award winning hip-hop heads The_Roots , avant-garde African music maestro Dhafer_Youssef , jazz superstar Harry_Connick_Jr and psychedelically experimental indie-pop vaudevilles of Montreal .
102884 With its chic counter seats , open kitchen and dimly-lit , minimalistic décor , the Tippling_Club is posh and legendary .

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