8 Results for: (Concept:01313649-a)
11412 " Is it a lonely farm ? "
11413 " Very lonely , sir . "
18834 In the homely Alpine villages or in the lonely mountain passes , I could still tell , by his quick glancing eyes and his sharp scrutiny of every face that passed us , that he was well convinced that , walk where we would , we could not walk ourselves clear of the danger which was dogging our footsteps .
47084 I prayed , as I walked back along the grey , lonely road , that my friend might soon be freed from his preoccupations and able to come down to take this heavy burden of responsibility from my shoulders .
47246 With her perfect figure and elegant dress she was , indeed , a strange apparition upon a lonely moorland path .
47399 It is not to be wondered at , for time hangs heavily in this lonely spot to an active man like him , and she is a very fascinating and beautiful woman .
47954 There are lonely houses scattered over the moor , and he is a fellow who would stick at nothing .
48289 He might slip away from us in the crowd of Regent Street , but it would puzzle him to do so upon the lonely moor .

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