7 Results for: (Concept:01300187-a)
11435 从来 没有 见到 朋友 离开 调查 现场 脸色 那样 严峻 或者说 表情 那样 阴沉

As you are aware , E is the most common letter in the English alphabet , and it predominates to so marked an extent that even in a short sentence one would expect to find it most often . (eng)

11577 带头 走过 过道 表情 非常 严峻

She came down and brought money with her , trying to bribe me to go . (eng)

61148 至此 相当 部分 自由 选举 运动 根据 党派 利益 策略 严格 限制 起来

Election campaigns , which had been unrestricted for the considerable part up to that time , were brought under stiff regulations by partisan interests and strategies . (eng)

61776 俱乐部 顾问 教师 严格 指导 成员 自杀 情况 其他

There have been other incidents where students committed suicide over the coaches ' merciless instructions given in the club activities (eng)

61797 所谓 民法 法人 财团 法人 社团 法人 因为 大量 基本金 严格 条件 取得 法人 资格

With strict conditions in addition to a great amount of funds , it is even difficult to obtain incorporation as a zaidan hojin ( incorporated foundations ) and shadan hojin ( incorporated associations ) , which are known as organizations authorized under the provisions of the Civil_Code . (eng)

61970 税制 改革 行政 改革 年金 制度 改革 加入 [ 联合国 安理会 常任 理事国 问题 党派 之间 党派 内部 对立 政治 问题 依然 严峻 存在

Political issues such as those concerning tax reform , administrative reform , pension reform , and a permanent seat in the UN_Security_Council that are disputed among or within parties and / or factions definitely exist . (eng)

61994 必要 进行 研究 论文 公开 征集 设想 推进 预测 计划 接受 第三 严格 评价

It will be necessary to promote the prediction project with fresh ideas such as inviting public participation in research and to be critically evaluated by a_third party . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

More detail about the NTU Multilingual Corpus Interface (0.1)

Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>