4 Results for: (Concept:01227488-v)
60637 年初 日本 附近 冬季 气压 分布 状况 增强 伴随 冷空气 侵入 可能 形成 海上 山区 区域 中心 风暴 天气

On New_Years days , a wintry pressure pattern gains force around Japan , bringing severe cold and rough weather especially in the mountains and the sea on the archipelago . (eng)

60638 气象厅 预报 关东 南海 上空 东北 东侧 移动 气压 来势 凶猛 形成 冬季 气压 分布 状况 并且 来自 西伯利亚 摄氏 零下 三十六 以下 寒流 侵入 日本 上空

The Meteorological_Agency has announced that the low pressure on its way from the south off the Kanto region to east-northeast will grow powerfully to form a strong wintry pressure pattern , and a cold air mass of below 36 degrees Centigrade -- below the freezing point -- will flow into northern Japan from Siberia . (eng)

60963 建设 这个 大型 水电站 不仅 存在 破坏 森林 淹没 村庄 环境 问题 引起 下流 海水 侵入 洪水泛滥 问题

Construction of large dams not only causes environmental problems such as the destruction of forests or submersion of villages , but also problems such as flooding and the intrusion of sea water into downstream areas . (eng)

102739 1889 1942 日本 入侵 宗祠 开办 学堂 解释 宗教 场所 当地 华人 社会 享有 如此 重要 地位 真正 原因

From 1889 until the Japanese invasion in 1942 , the temple also housed a Chinese school as well which explains why this religious site is so significant to the local Chinese community here . (eng)

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