3 Results for: (Concept:01199697-n)
61061 In response to the cases of unqualified judicial apprentices being engaged in potentially illegal activities such as pretrial hearings and delivery of opening statements , the Legal_Research and Training_Institute_of_the_Supreme_Court decided to take an unusual step in issuing a notice by the 31st to the prosecution , the bench , and the bar not to let judicial apprentices give opening statements , as " it is not appropriate . "
61063 The Japan_Federation_of_Bar_Associations too is increasingly endorsing the view that delivery of opening statements by judicial apprentices is a deviation from accepted criminal proceedings and it intends to investigate , through local bar associations in Japan , how legal training is actually conducted , including the training method for pretrial hearings .
61067 The Japan_Federation_of_Bar_Associations said that each bar association should consult with concerned local public prosecutor 's offices for legal training to be based on the six principles , for example , judicial apprentices should sit in while prosecutors are conducting pretrial hearings .

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